New Class starts March 3
The Fourfold Path of Sophia
Embodying our Greater Self
Through the Mysteries of Sophia-Christos
Healing, Activations, Process, Support
an online class
with Diana Kelly and Dan Morse
First four Sundays in March
March 3, 10, 17, 24.
Note: March 3 class is 1 - 2:30pm PT. All other classes are 4 - 5:30pm.
$40 - $80 suggested donation
With unlimited replay access

This class will offer insights and experiential practices into the various facets of our spiritual development. Diana and Dan will present materials from the Mysteries of Sophia-Christos, including healing and activation work, and a supportive process for each participant's awakening.
Diana and I are excited to offer our first online class series. Our sacred relationship has been blessed with a mutual devotion to Sophia and we would like to share some of what is moving through us. Sophia herself embarked on a fourfold journey of creation, crisis, metanoia, and transformation. This class will offer you a chance to follow in her footsteps in the pursuit of greater wisdom and spiritual awakening. Sophia's ancient story is a New Myth of Humanity's Renewal as suggested by images found in the early French Gothic Cathedrals. We were amazed by this during our recent trip to Europe. HERE is an overview of our findings. We are keeping the cost of this class down to a suggested donation, or whatever donation you can afford. Registrants can access the video recording after the classes to watch at your leisure.
Class 1: The Radiance of our Divine Self, Via Positia
Class 2: Overcoming the Archonic Control System, Via Negativa
Class 3: The Alchemy of Descension and Ascension, Via Creativa
Class 4: Holy Embodiment, Via Transformativa
Class 1: Sunday, March 3, 1 - 2:30pm PT
The Radiance of our Divine Self
Via Positiva

Class 2: Sunday, March 10, 4 - 5:30pm PT
Overcoming the Archonic Control System
Via Negativa

Class 3: Sunday, March 17, 4 - 5:30pm PT
The Alchemy of Descension and Ascension
Via Creativa

Class 4: Sunday, March 24, 4 - 5:30pm PT
Holy Embodiment
Via Transformativa
