An Introduction to the Mysteries of Sophia
Sunday, July 30,
5 - 6:30 PT
A Free On-line Seminar

Diana Kelly and Dan Morse
are bringing two lineages of Sophia together
that offers a unique and valuable vibrational frequency and guidance that can help us drop deeper into ourselves as
Anthropos, Divine Humans, Children of the Light.

Plaque in the ceiling of the National Archives, Washington DC.
In this on-line seminar, we will weave through some of these themes:
1) Who is Sophia, Holy Womb Source and Emissary of the Divine into this Material Reality?
2) How does she and her mysteries offer us tools and guidance for spiritual development?
3) There will be an experiential component, a meditative process of connecting our Divine Spark with The Holy Ineffable Womb.
Sophia represents the long sweep of the suppression of the
Feminine Divine Principle.
We are working to Remember * Reclaim * Renew
Sophia in our midst.
Diana and Dan will be going on a pilgrimage later this summer into the Mysteries of Sophia as they might be found in Europe. Dan's research into the early French Gothic Cathedrals suggests that the Templars left clues to their own hidden reverence for this figure Sophia. We will talk briefly about this adventure into England and Northern France.

Please join us for this free online gathering where we will share some of these treasures, work in the group to create a field that is connected beyond the archonic control system and celebrate how there is a magnificent flowering going on in our midst.