4 week class
The Great Reveal
Suppression of the Divine Feminine:
Why and How
Reclaiming the Suppressed Feminine in our Culture and in Ourselves
Revealing Keys and Spiritual Tools for Return of the Sacred Feminine
Revealing the Archetype of the Healthy Masculine
All Classes are at 6:30pm PT
Video recordings available following each session.
Oct. 16: Introductory Panel with Christy Michaels, Diana Kelly, Dan Morse, Sylvia Binsfeld, and Dr. Marty K. Casey.
Oct. 23: Reveal of The Holy Sophia with Diana Kelly and Dan Morse.
Oct. 30: Discover how the loss of God-the-Mother has harmed us and the planet, with Sylvia Binsfeld.
November 6: Returning inHER Wisdom to the Modern World, Dr. Marty K. Casey.
Nov. 16: The Biggest Reveal...the Divine in You, with all panel members.

Welcome to The Great Reveal! Join us online to uncover what is suppressed of the Divine Feminine and explore why and how it impacts you. This 5-part seminar series will delve into the depths of the mastery of Divine Feminine energy that has been more than overlooked and underappreciated. The current day efforts and intention of suppression has blocked our own leadership and awakening...making it easier and easier to strip our rights away. Discover the power and wisdom that lies within the mastery of the Magdalene, Mother Mary and the Holy Sophia, previously unknown. Learn to embody this power for yourself by raising your frequency. By reconnecting with the truth of their powers, we become informed and awakened from their true level of mastery. From mantras to seed sounds used for healing to ancient Renaissance paintings, carvings on Cathedrals embedded with sacred information, we raise our consciousness with knowledge of these tools. When we discover the hidden truths about the Divine Feminine, and how it affects us we grow. Awareness is the first step of Awakening. Don't miss out on this enlightening experience!
The per seminar cost is $25. For those who are interested to see if you want to take the whole series, you can buy the first seminar which will allow you to meet all the presenters and hear highlights of their presentation. When they give their full presentation you will receive a deeper experience of their work. We have designed this series to be packed with not only great information, but give you a personal experience to afford you an opportunity to go deep in your connection with the support and guidance from beyond the veil from some of the true spiritual female masters that walked this planet. Tips and tools for healing will be shared for often trauma from the patriarchal culture or even the competitiveness of other women has hurt you to the level that a healing is needed to be able to deepen your own spiritual practice. Many of the presenters work one on one with clients to support their spiritual growth and peace of mind. You are welcome to reach out to whomever you resonant with to get support in going deeper on your journey.