Daniel Morse​
Daniel D. C. Morse is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (Daniel Craig-Morse, MFT) with over 20 years of practicing depth-oriented psycho-spiritual therapy in Northern California. He has been researching Gnosticism and the esoteric traditions for nearly three decades and has presented lectures on the Mysteries of Sophia in a variety of spiritual, religious, and psychological forums. His grassroots spiritual support gatherings have helped anchor “new paradigm” “5d” consciousness within his local community where key cosmological frameworks, as outlined in this book, for example, are being explored and integrated. Daniel’s multi-instrumental and looping soundscapes have been used in bardic presentations of the Myth of Sophia since first presented for a Master’s degree at the University of Creation Spirituality in 1997.
Feel free to reach out with reactions, insights, questions.
I’ll do my best to respond in a timely manner.

Diane Kelly Healing
Tap into Your True Potential with Diana's Healing Services. Explore Reiki, Lightbody Activation, and More to Unlock Your Inner Power. Awaken Your Crown with the Holy Ampulla of Sophia Ritual and Benefit from Diana's Divine Mother Energy.
Diana Kelly has been a Reiki Master Healer, Teacher and Spiritual Mentor since 2000. She has been receiving initiations and empowerments of Sophia through the prism of Mother Mary and Anna, the grandmother of Jesus, for her whole life. Diana trained in ashrams and temples in Southern India and Thailand and is an ordained Sophianic priestess specializing in Divine Feminine wisdom. She offers a sound healing bath and meditation using quartz crystal bowls, powerful hands-on healing experiences, life-changing discussions on spiritual principles and assists in the healing of our soul traumas using the alternative tools of energy psychology and energy medicine, meditation, mindfulness, the power of mantra, and prayer.